紹介状申請フォーム(国内) / Application for a letter of introduction

注意事項 / Notice


* This is an application form when you want to visit other university libraries in Japan.
* Your personal data will only be used to contact you and take statistics.

利用者情報 / User information

氏名 / Name *必須

利用者区分 / Affiliation *必須

学部・コース名・所属部署 / Course/Department *必須

電話番号 / Phone number *必須

当館からの連絡手段 / Your preferred way of contact from TUFS library *必須

学籍番号 / Student ID *必須

学籍番号 / Student ID *必須

学籍番号 / Student ID *必須

教職員番号 / Staff ID


* For teaching staff, enter the 8-digit number written on the campus card.
* If you are unsure, you can leave it blank, but enter as much as possible.

教職員番号 / Staff ID


* For teaching staff, enter the 8-digit number written on the campus card.
* If you are unsure, you can leave it blank, but enter as much as possible.

教職員番号 / Staff ID


* For teaching staff, enter the 8-digit number written on the campus card.
* If you are unsure, you can leave it blank, but enter as much as possible.

訪問先図書館 / The library you want to visit

利用を希望する図書館 / The library name *必須


※ If you wish to visit a branch library, please enter the full name including the name of the branch
ex: The University of Tokyo, Graduate school of Humanities and Sociology, Faculty of Letters, Library.

書誌情報 / Bibliography

【1冊目】資料形態 / Format *必須

【1冊目】資料名 / Titles of materials *必須

【1冊目】巻号 / Volume/Number


*Enter the volume number or "Browsing all volumes"

ex: 1巻1号~3巻5号


分かる範囲で ISBN・ISSNもしくは NCID(CiNii にあるNII書誌 ID)を入力してください

*Enter ISBN, ISSN, NCID(CiNii code: NII bibliography ID) as far as you know.

【1冊目】参考URL / References


*Enter the URL of the bibliography such as OPAC of the library you would like to visit, online databases, or other sources of information.
*If it is not from the website, enter it in "Comment".

2冊目を入力する / Apply for the second book

【2冊目】資料形態 / Format *必須

【2冊目】資料名 / Titles of materials *必須

【2冊目】巻号 / Volume/Number


*Enter the volume number or "Browsing all volumes"

ex: 1巻1号~3巻5号


分かる範囲で ISBN・ISSNもしくは NCID(CiNii にあるNII書誌 ID)を入力してください

*Enter ISBN, ISSN, NCID(CiNii code: NII bibliography ID) as far as you know.

【2冊目】参考URL / References


*Enter the URL of the bibliography such as OPAC of the library you would like to visit, online databases, or other sources of information.
*If it is not from the website, enter it in "Comment".

3冊目を入力する / Apply for the second book

【3冊目】資料形態 / Format *必須

【3冊目】資料名 / Titles of materials *必須

【3冊目】巻号 / Volume/Number


*Enter the volume number or "Browsing all volumes"

ex: 1巻1号~3巻5号


分かる範囲で ISBN・ISSNもしくは NCID(CiNii にあるNII書誌 ID)を入力してください

*Enter ISBN, ISSN, NCID(CiNii code: NII bibliography ID) as far as you know.

【3冊目】参考URL / References


*Enter the URL of the bibliography such as OPAC of the library you would like to visit, online databases, or other sources of information.
*If it is not from the website, enter it in "Comment".

4冊目を入力する / Apply for the second book

【4冊目】資料形態 / Format *必須

【4冊目】資料名 / Titles of materials *必須

【4冊目】巻号 / Volume/Number


*Enter the volume number or "Browsing all volumes"

ex: 1巻1号~3巻5号


分かる範囲で ISBN・ISSNもしくは NCID(CiNii にあるNII書誌 ID)を入力してください

*Enter ISBN, ISSN, NCID(CiNii code: NII bibliography ID) as far as you know.

【4冊目】参考URL / References


*Enter the URL of the bibliography such as OPAC of the library you would like to visit, online databases, or other sources of information.
*If it is not from the website, enter it in "Comment".


利用希望日 第一希望 / Visit day -First choice *必須


* An application should be done at least two days ahead of the decided date of visit.

利用希望日 第二希望 / Visit day -Second choice

開館カレンダー / Calendar


* Enter the URL of the calendar of the library you would like to visit.

コメント / Comment


* If you don't quote bibliographic information from a website, please enter it here.
* If you have any other information, please enter it.

ex: "○○目録 pp.〇" など

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